vitamin A can make your vision clearer

Effects Of Vitamin A Deficiency On Your Eye

Vitamin A is very essential for our vision. To see the complete spectrum of light, the eye needs to produce certain pigments for our retina to function properly. The deficiency of vitamin A prevents the production of these pigments, which can lead to night blindness. Vitamin A is also important for the nourishment of other parts of our eye, including the cornea. The deficiency of vitamin A is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children worldwide. Children and pregnant women are at the highest risk for vitamin A deficiency. The foods in which vitamin A is found are:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins etc.
  • Cantaloupes
  • Eggs

The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency

  • Night blindness- Night blindness is one of the most common manifestations of deficiency of vitamin A. People with night blindness are not able to see well in the dark, whereas they can normally see in the presence of light. This is more likely to be seen in children aged 2-6 years and pregnant women.
  • Conjunctival xerosis- The deficiency of vitamin A can dry out the conjunctiva, that is, the covering on the white of the eye, which helps to lubricate our eyes. This can lead to vision loss and blindness. It is a sign of a long-standing deficiency of vitamin A and can be very difficult to detect.
  • Bitot's spots- It is more common in children aged 3 to 6 years. Bitot's spots are usually common on the temporal side. The slightly elevated foamy white lesion is generally seen on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus. The cells in the conjunctiva become more like skin than a mucous membrane.
  • Corneal xerosis- It is a sign of an acute and sudden deficiency of vitamin A. It results in the drying of the cornea as the glands in the conjunctiva do not function normally. This leads to loss of tears and mucous and also increases the risk factor of infection.
  • Corneal ulcer- If the deficiency is not adequately treated, the cornea can melt or get ulcerated. The ulcer can have the appearance of a tiny, punched-out area in the cornea. The infection of the ulcer can lead to an acutely inflamed eye.
  • Keratomalacia- Keratomalacia is a severe form of xerophthalmia. In this, more than one-third cornea becomes oedematous and thickened. This usually occurs because the structure of the collagen in the cornea gets affected by a process known as necrosis. This can even destroy the cornea in a few days.

The benefits of vitamin A are

  • Lubricating eye drops containing vitamin A are effective for treating dry eye syndrome
  • Vitamin A eye drops help in the treatment of eye inflammation called superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Vitamin A, when combined with other antioxidant vitamins, plays a vital role in decreasing the risk factor of vision loss from macular degeneration.
  • Vitamin A and lutein combined may prolong vision in people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa.

Vitamin A deficiency is diagnosed by examination of the eye or by reviewing the medical history of the patient. The accurate amount of vitamin A in the blood of a person is measured by a blood test. Vitamin A supplements can be effective for the treatment of vitamin A deficiency. The supplements can be helpful for reversing the effects of night blindness or corneal ulcers and can be effective for lubricating the eye. In case of the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, get your eyes examined by the best eye specialists in Kolkata.

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