We offer the most advanced technology to provide clear vision from the very next day. In Kolkata, the cost of cataract surgery is within the customers’ range. In Renuka Eye Institute, cost of cataract surgery starts from the most affordable range in the market. Not the cost rather the quality of surgery is our main highlight. Renuka Eye Institute specialises in cataract surgeries with advanced technologies and highly experienced eye specialists. It is our promise to deliver clear vision to all our patients.

Cataract is RENUKA EYE INSTITUTE’s Speciality

  • Dedicated pre-operative examination room with Slit lamp, IOL Master 500, Specular microscopy, Ultrasonography
  • World’s best phaco machines: Constellation (Alcon, USA) & Compact Intuitiv (Abott, USA)
  • World’s best optics: Carl Zeiss Visu -160 & Lumera operating microscope(Germany)
  • Sterilisation unit equipped with high speed sterilizers (flush autoclave, ETO, UV steriliser)
  • 99.9% of our cataract surgeries are carried out by PHACOEMULSIFICATION, where all our patients are released on the same day with special tinted sunglasses. In all cases, anaesthesia is done topically with eye drops(without any injection), for a safe painless bandage free operation.
  • In Renuka Eye Institute, 90% patients are provided with new generation premium foldable IOLs like TECNIS ASPHERIC, SENSOR (ABOTT/JONSON & JOHNSON), TECNIS MULTIFOCAL, SYMPHONY, TORIC (ABOTT, USA), ALCON IQ, RESTORE (ALCON USA), CARL ZEISS LUCIA, SKYJET 203P, BAUSCH & LOMB – ENVISTA
Specular Microscope useed for Cataract Surgery treatment at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
Specular Microscope
Alcon Constellation useed for Cataract Surgery treatment at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
Alcon Constellation

We carry out cataract surgeries by the following techniques:

  • PHACOEMULSIFICATION (99.9% of our cases)

Out of various symptoms Foggy Vision, Diminution of Colour Vision, Poor Night Vision are the most common. Are you having any of these symptoms? Please feel free to ask for an appointment with our highly-skilled doctors.

Approximate Cataract Surgery Cost at Renuka Eye Institute

Cataract Treatment Standard Pakages Price
(Foldable Lenses)
₹6,800 - ₹35,000
(Foldable Progressive Lenses)
₹40,000 - ₹70,000
SICS with Rigid IOL ₹5,000

Cataract Specialists

Know About Cataract

Our eye is like a camera. Lens in our eye is focusing light on the retina to give us a clear vision. CATARACT is clouding of the eye lens that leads to diminution of vision. With time, it can cause blindness if left untreated.

What Are The Causes?

The causes of this eye problem can be numerous. But the commonest cause of cataract is Ageing. The other probable reasons that can cause cataract are trauma, intraocular foreign bodies, ionising radiation, past eye surgery, inherited genetic disorder, intake of steroids.

Nd YAG Laser used for Cataract Surgery service at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
Nd YAG Laser
IOL MASTER 500 used for Cataract Surgery service at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
IOL Master 500

What Are The Symptoms?

It is better to know the symptoms to identify this eye problem at an early stage so that you can contact any eye clinic in Kolkata. Most of the cataracts develop slowly and eventually it hampers your vision. It has been observed that several health factors like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, consumption of steroid could pose risk for the development of cataract.

  • Foggy vision
  • Near-Sightedness / Myopia
  • Colour Blindness
  • Glaring Of Lights
  • Low Night Vision
  • Double Vision

What Are The Types?

When cataract starts developing, it can bring temporary improvement in your near vision, however it will worsen with time. But no need to worry! Renuka Eye Institute is one of the best eye hospitals in Kolkata with excellent services to put an end to this. The most familiar cataracts are the age-related ones.

  • Nuclear Sclerosis / Nuclear Cataract
  • Cortical Cataract
  • Posterior Subcapsular
  • Snowflake
  • Blue Dot / Cerulean Cataract (Hereditary)
  • Traumatic
  • Zonular / Lamellar
Cataract Surgery Eye Care using ABOTT COMPACT INTUITIV at Renuka Eye Institute in Kolkata
Abott Compact Intuitiv
Cataract Surgery Eye Care using CARL ZEISS MICROSCOPE at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
Carl Zeiss Microscope
Cataract Surgery Eye Care at Renuka Eye Institute in kolkata
Cataract Care

How It Is Treated?

When cataract starts disrupting your daily jobs and vision is affected, the only treatment is surgery to remove the cataractous lens and replace it with an artificial lens.

PHACOEMULSIFICATION - A procedure in which an ultra-high frequency sound wave is used to break up and eliminate cataract from the eye followed by insertion of a foldable intraocular lens. This is the latest and safest technology for cataract surgery in Kolkata. Why is it beneficial?

  1. It conserves time and can be done topically without any injection
  2. Early visual convalescence
  3. No hospitalisation
  4. Safe and painless
  5. No restrictions on normal activities

SMALL INCISION CATARACT SURGERY (SICS) - This procedure is an effective alternate to PHACOEMULSIFICATION i.e widely accepted and practised by ophthalmologists. It includes creating a small incision in sclera and taking out the cataractous lens through it. It is a suture less extra capsular cataract surgery.
