Beware of Neuro-Ophthalmic disorders

When it comes to the most sensitive part of our body i.e. our eyes, we rely on the best eye hospital in the city, Renuka Eye Institute. It provides excellent neuro-ophthalmic services. Here we have highly-qualified and experienced ophthalmologists who treat their patients meticulously. Neuro-Ophthalmology is a subspeciality which merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology, often dealing with complex systemic disorders.

Neuro-Ophthalmology treatment at RENUKA

We have a bunch of specialized and highly-experienced ophthalmologists to look into neuro-ophthalmic disorders. We provide modern world-class technology for treating our patients at a reasonable price. Hence patients can trust Renuka Eye Institute to be one of the best eye hospitals in Kolkata and can get treated here to improve their vision. Renuka Eye Institute is among the very few eye hospitals which provide Neuro-Ophthalmology services.

Modernised Neuro-Ophthalmic care at Renuka Eye Institute
Modernised Eye Care
Automated Perimetry used for Glaucoma service at Renuka Eye Institute
Automated Perimetry

Our ophthalmologists guide and advise on a few tests:

  • Orthoptic evaluation
  • CT scan
  • MRI and MRI venogram
  • Diplopia charting

A wide range of conditions are included in Neuro-ophthalmology, some respond to medications, while others with prism eyeglasses. Surgery is an option for some cases related to this condition.

Neuro Ophthalmology Specialists

Neuro Opthalmology:

Our eyes are an essential part of our body. People rely on their eyes to see the world around them. But some neuro-ophthalmic diseases can lead to complete vision loss, so it is vital to identify and treat these diseases as early as possible. Neuro-ophthalmology focuses on disorders of the nervous system that affects vision and control of eye movements. Neuro-ophthalmology is an academic subspecialty that merges neurology and ophthalmology, which deals with complex systemic diseases that affect the visual system.

Common causes of neuroophthalmic disorders

  • Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12.
  • Trauma
  • Stroke
  • Tumour
  • Toxicity or infection.


  1. Abnormal eye movements
  2. Double vision
  3. Eyelid abnormalities
  4. Thyroid eye disease
  5. Transient visual loss
  6. Unequal pupil size
  7. Unexplained visual loss
  8. Visual disturbances
  9. Visual field loss

The types diseases in Neuro Ophthalmology include:

  1. Optic Neuritis
  2. Papilledema
  3. Nutritional Optic Neuropathy
  4. Pupil-Involving Third Cranial Nerve Palsy
  5. Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
  6. Horner Syndrome
  7. Pituitary Adenoma

Most affected people are:

  • It is more common in older people.
  • Females are affected more than males by a ratio of 3:1 to 4:1
  • This condition can occur across all age groups, genders and ethnicities