Diabetes is a threat to vision Stand by with guidance to fight it

High blood glucose level and a high chance of getting diabetic retinopathy? No need to worry as we have a vast range of retinopathy treatments in our all-inclusive infirmary. Uncontrolled diabetes can be a cause of severe eye problems. Renuka Eye Institute is one of the best eye hospitals for diabetic retinopathy treatment. Renuka Eye Institute with its highly experienced professionals and ultra-modern technologies provide tons of patients with a better vision.

Control Diabetes, Cure Retinopathy

Renuka Eye institute has a seperate retinopathy section that is solely kept for diabetic retinopathy treatment. Any kind of damage or malfunction of retina can cause retinopathy. The most common one is diabetic retinopathy which is a result of uncontrolled or overly excessive blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetic retinopathy are diligently diagnosed by our proficient ophthalmologists or eye specialist for the finest outcome. Our pre-eminent eye specialists and the upgraded technologies are bound to give the patient a secure vision.

Diabetic Retinopathy Department
Diabetic Eye Care
Hospital for Diabetic Eye treatment
Complete Eye Care

Our retina specialists thus strongly advices to examine the eyes once a year to avoid vision related miseries. The patients are benefited from the treatments like:

  • Optical coherence tomography(OCT)
  • Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA)
  • Laser coagulation
  • Intravitreal Injection
  • Medication
  • Vitreoretinal Surgery

Diabetic retinopathy can be dangerous and can lead to vision loss if not detected at an early stage. If left untreated it can cause several new eye problems like cataract, glaucoma, vitreo-retinal issues etc. Renuka eye institute is one of the best eye hospitals in Kolkata that provides complete eye care solutions including diabetic retinopathy treatent with great proficiency. More than 5000 retina injections and retinal surgeries have been skillfully carried out by us till now. We make sure that every patient gets back a healthy vision by our excellent services.

Approximate Diabetic Retinopathy Care Cost at Renuka Eye Institute

Diabetic Retinopathy consultation Pakages Price

Diabetic Retinopathy Specialists

What is Diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a kind of eye disease where the retina is affected by the poor-controlled diabetic mellitus. Person with high blood glucose level can be the victim of this disease. It develops little by little, but can result to ultimate blindness if neglected.

What causes diabetic retinopathy?

As the name suggests itself, diabetes is the sole cause for this disease. Excessive percentage of blood sugar affects the capillaries of the retina causing obstructions in blood flow.

Types and symptoms:

The progress of diabetic retinopathy is very slow. It is difficult to ascertain at an early stages as it does not show any symptoms. If you have witnessed any of the following symptoms and you are suffering from high diabetes, you should see for the best eye hospital for diabetic retinopathy without wasting any time;

  1. Hazy vision
  2. Difficulty in reading
  3. Colour blindness
  4. Sometimes minute eye pain
  5. Myopia(at advance stage)

Typically there are two types of diabetic retinopathy:

  1. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy(NPDR): If diabetic retinopathy is detected at the first stage then it will come under NPDR. In this type of DR no remarkable symptoms can be seen as it is the early stage. The retina becomes frail here and no proliferation of blood vessel can be seen. It can cause bulging and swelling of the macula.
  2. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR): This is the severe type of diabetic retinopathy. When it reaches to the advance stage, it can be dangerous as it can destroy the optic nerve resulting permanent blindness. Proliferation of new and frail capillaries (microangiopathy) can cause a lack of blood and fluid (aqueous humor) flow into the retina that can lead to the retinal detachment.

Other disorders like diabetic macular edema, glaucoma, cataract etc can occur as a result of this disease.


The one and only prevention of Diabetic retinopathy is maintaining a balanced blood glucose level. If you are a diabetic patient, you also have to take a yearly thorough eye checkup to stay away from any casualties. Other factors like a healthy diet, little exercise, proper medication for other heath issues etc can be benefitted to prevent diabetic retinopathy.


Treatments of diabetic retinopathy can defer from situation to situation depending upon the patients’ condition.

  • Optical coherence tomography(OCT):It is a revolutionary process for detecting different types of retinal conditions. It basically assists to check different things like macular distortion, vitreo retinal diseases, and diabetic edema by capturing cross-dimensional images with the help of low-consistence light.
  • Fundus flourescein angiography(FFA): An unbeatable screening technique to detect diabetic retinopathy at the beginning stages for better vision.
  • Intravitreal Injection: It is used to decrease water accumulation within retina.
  • Vitreoretinal Surgery: It is used to clear bleeding within vitreous cavity.
  • Laser therapy (photocoagulation): Photocoagulation can be used to heal the microangiopathic condition of retina. This surgery can be done on an outpatient basis. It mainly breaks or destroys the unwanted clotting and flow of blood into the retina.
  • Medication: The retina specialists can also take the strategy of using medicines and injections to recover the issue. There is always a chance to recover from diabetic retinopathy by medications if detected at the early stages.