Comprehensive Management of Oculoplastic Disorders

Exhausted and sickened with eye contour and eye disorders? The solution is here with Oculoplasty surgery. A wide range of ophthalmic plastic surgeries are included within Oculoplasty. Different external eye conditions can be corrected now with the help of these surgeries. Renuka Eye Institute has a team of some of the most experienced oculoplasty surgeons in Kolkata. We have successfully accomplished 3000+ oculoplasty surgeries over the last 10 years.

3000+ Oculoplastic Surgeries by Renuka Eye Institute

Oculoplasty includes a wide range of medical and cosmetic surgeries, also named as ophthalmic plastic surgeries. Renuka Eye Institute, with its team of highly skilled oculoplasty surgeons uses all the modern technologies to give the best possible outcome in oculoplasty surgeries.

Blepharoplasty at Renuka Eye Institute
Blepharoplasty Surgery
Oculoplasty Surgery Eye Care
Eye Treatment

In Renuka Eye Institute, these oculoplastic surgeries are done on an outpatient basis so that the particular patient does not need to stay at the eye hospital overnight. It demonstrates that these oculoplastic surgeries are not very time consuming. We carry out a wide range of oculoplasty surgeries such as:

  • Blepharoplasty
  • Ectropion and Entropion surgery
  • Dacryocystectomy and Dacryocystorhinostomy
  • Evisceration surgery
  • Enucleation surgery
  • Ptosis surgery

In Renuka Eye Institute, we attend each patient with utmost sincerity and try to provide them with the best possible outcome.

Approximate Oculoplasty Treatment Cost at Renuka Eye Institute

Oculoplasty Surgeries Pakages Price
DCT ₹6,000
DCR ₹12,000
Ectropion / Entropion Correction ₹8,000
Lid Tumour Excision with Lid Reconstruction ₹10,000
Ptosis surgery ₹10,000
Enucleation surgery ₹10,000

Oculoplasty Specialists


Oculoplasty or oculoplastic surgery is a title that covers several plastic surgeries. It is beneficial to renovate or to re-correct the areas concerning the eyes and the neighbouring areas of the eyes.

Indications of Oculoplasty Surgery

  1. Blocked Tear Duct: It is also known as the tear drainage problem. An annoying, waterlogged eye can be an indication of a blocked tear duct.
  2. Ptosis: It is a condition of droopy eyelids that looks like sleepy eyes.
  3. Entropion and Ectropion: This indicates an inverted and everted condition of eyelids. It can be caused by damage of tissues around our eyelids. It can lead to persistent watering and irritation of eyes.
  4. Graves’ Orbitopathy: Also recognised as Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). People with uncontrolled thyroid suffer from this disease.
  5. Proptosis: When eyeball bulges outside of the orbital socket. Causes may any growth in the orbit such as: tumours, thyroid orbitopathy, pseudotumour etc.

If you are suffering from any of these conditions, then you must visit our Oculoplasty unit.

Specialised Oculoplasty Surgeries at Renuka Eye Institute
Specialised Surgeries
Dedicated Advanced Oculoplasty Surgery Equipments
Advanced Equipments

Types of Oculoplasty Surgeries

As the name suggests, it is a range of plastic surgeries that helps to rebuild the eye and the associated areas.

BLEPHAROPLASTY: Also known as Eye Lift surgery. There are two parts of the operation, upper and lower blepharoplasty.

ECTROPION and ENTRIOPION SURGERY: These types of surgeries are carried out to correct the inverted or everted state of the eyelids. This repair is done when entropion or ectropion causes corneal irritation (by eyelashes), constant epiphora (watering of eyes), severe pain and irritation.

DACRYOCYSTECTOMY and DACRYOCYSTORHINOSTOMY: This process is also known as Lacrimal sac surgery. This surgery helps to repair the drainage process of the eye to prevent excessive watering and discharge.

EVISCERATION SURGERY: Evisceration is an advanced surgery of the eye where the intraocular contents of the eyes are removed by the surgeons keeping the white part (sclera) untouched. This type of surgery is performed to decrease the pain of severely injured or infected eyes.

ENUCLEATION SURGERIES: An advanced eye surgery. It involves the whole eye removal followed by the reconstruction of the eye for better cosmesis.

PTOSIS SURGERY:Plastic surgery that elevates your droopy eyelids.

ORBITAL SURGERY: This type of surgery focuses on the re-formation of the eye. The eye includes the eyelids, bones, sockets, forehead, eyebrows, etc. The oculoplasty surgeons widely accept this surgery for the improvement of overall orbital deformity.
