The retina is the layer of tissue that functions in sending images to our brain. Therefore anything that affects the retina will eventually affect the vision. Any abnormality left unattended for a long period of time may lead to serious retinal diseases which in turn will result in loss of vision.
Numerous common and rare eye conditions can affect our vision. A healthy retina is very essential for clear vision. Vitreoretinal diseases are very common and they can damage any part of the eye retina. Retinal diseases affect the important eye tissues which cause serious problems including loss of vision and even leading to blindness.
Here are some common types of vitreoretinal diseases-
Significant ways to take care of your eyes
- Floaters- Floaters are usually small, black shapes that appear as spots floating along with the movement of the eyes. They are caused when the vitreous layer, which is a gel-like substance located in the centre of the eye, becomes liquid and casts a shadow on the retina.
Symptoms-- Small spots in the vision
- Dark specks or threads drift out of the line of vision
- Usually noticed when you stare at a bright or plain surface

Usually, eye floaters occur as a part of the natural ageing process. Although you cannot completely prevent eye floaters, you can take the necessary steps to make sure that eye floaters do not result in a larger problem.
As soon as eye floaters are noticed, get your eyes examined and treated by the best vitreo retina specialists before it leads to a more serious condition and damages your vision.
- Macular degeneration- With age, the centre of the retina starts to deteriorate. This damages the central vision which makes it difficult to view things in a straight line.
Symptoms-- Straight lines appear distorted
- Blurry vision
- Problem to see in dim light
- Difficulty in identifying faces
- Know your family medical history because people who have a family member affected by macular degeneration are at a higher risk of developing macular degeneration
- Quit smoking, as smoking may double the risk of developing macular degeneration
- Wear good quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays
- Maintain a healthy balanced diet to protect against cellular damage which can lead to eye diseases
Early diagnosis of macular degeneration helps in slowing down the progression and minimising vision loss. Thus in case of any symptoms get your eyes checked by the top retina specialists of Kolkata.
- Diabetic retinopathy- In diabetic retinopathy, there is an abnormal growth of blood vessels from the retina which in turn causes bleeding. Diabetes can cause the blood vessels to swell up. As a result, the blood vessels can burst and leak fluids and cause distortion or blurry vision.
Symptoms-- Worsening of vision
- Difficulty in identifying distinguished colours
- Eye floaters
- Blurred vision
- Keep your blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control
- Maintain a properly balanced diet and try to cut down salt, fat and sugar as much as possible
- Exercise regularly
- Attend a diabetic eye screening at least once a year
Diabetic retinopathy is very hard to notice at its early stages. Thus a comprehensive eye test by an ophthalmologist is very essential for diagnosing and treating the disease.
- Retinal tear- A gel-like material known as vitreous fluid fills the eyeball and is attached to the retina at the back of the eye. When the vitreous layer shrinks and changes its shape, it may pull away a part of the retina with it, causing a tear or damage to the retina.
Symptoms-- Onset of eye floaters
- Seeing flashes of lights ( photopsia)
- Pay attention to the warning symptoms
- Know your family history
- Have regular dilated eye exams
You must seek an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye check-up to detect retinal tears and try to repair the damage and prevent loss of vision.
- Retinal detachment- It is a condition in which the retinal layer gets separated from the back of the eye and this happens when the vitreous fluid passes through a retinal tear which distances the retina away from its usual position.
Symptoms-- The appearance of floaters
- Blurry vision
- Peripheral vision gets reduced
- Flashes of light in the eyes( photopsia)
There is no direct way to prevent retinal detachment but you can take certain steps to lower the risk
- Get your eyes checked regularly
- Use sunglasses and goggles to protect your eyes from UV rays and risky activities respectively
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Retinal detachment causes the retinal cells to separate from the blood vessels that provide nourishment and oxygen. Thus it is a medical emergency that can lead to permanent vision loss. The longer this condition goes untreated, the greater your risk of vision loss. Thus if you are experiencing any symptoms of retinal detachment seek immediate medical attention from a retina specialist.
Retinal disorders may mildly affect an individual's vision, or in cases may lead to permanent blindness. However, it is possible to prevent retinal conditions if one pays attention to the symptoms and seeks medical help to identify the condition and provide appropriate treatment. There are several treatments for vitreo retinal diseases, ranging from preventative procedures with vitamins to retinal detachment surgeries. A vitreo retina specialist plays a very important role in diagnosing and treating a retinal abnormality whereas you are the one who can prevent the medical emergencies caused by retinal conditions by taking necessary steps and contributing to preserving your precious eyes safe and maintaining a healthy vision.