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Wake Up With Clear Vision With LASIK!

Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a surgical procedure that is laser-assisted and corrects refractive errors both Spherical and Cylindrical. It finely polishes the cornea to achieve crystal-clear vision without glasses or contact lenses. For a person to see clearly, light rays travel through the cornea and lens. The cornea and lens refract the light and thus it lands on the retina. The retina turns this light into signals that travel to our brain and become images. A person experiences unclear or blurry vision If the light going through the lens, and the cornea is not appropriately focused on the retina. By reshaping the cornea, LASIK surgery changes the focus of the eye, therefore improving vision.

What makes LASIK so important?

The final aim of LASIK is to correct the refractive error to improve the overall vision. LASIK eye surgery reduces the necessity for eyeglasses or contact lenses. In certain cases, one may have completely clear vision even without eyeglasses and lenses.

Know if you should get LASIK done

If one is tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses, he may think about whether LASIK surgery is the right option. LASIK surgery is an ideal option for anyone who has one of the following vision problems-

  • Nearsightedness� As a result of myopia one can see closer objects more clearly than distant objects.
  • Farsightedness� In the case of hyperopia, one views distant objects more clearly than objects which are nearby.
  • Astigmatism- A situation in which the cornea curves or flattens unevenly and does not focus light evenly at any distance is known as astigmatism.

Who can undergo LASIK surgery?

  • Should be above 10 years of age
  • One should have a stable prescription that has not changed much throughout the last year.
  • Pre-existing eye diseases, health problems, allergies, or any medications must be Informed to the ophthalmologist.
  • The cornea must be thick and the Eyes must be healthy.
  • The prescription should be within a range that can be treated with LASIK.
  • The general health should be good.
clear vision with LASIK surgery

Lookout for certain risk factors in case of these medical conditions

Although LASIK is a very safe procedure especially when the patient co-operates during the treatment, there are certain situations which can have risky impacts. LASIK is not ideal for people with the following medical conditions-

  • Serious eye infection or injury
  • Thin cornea
  • Glaucoma
  • Dense cataract
  • Dry eyes
  • Severe diabetes

Prepare for a result-oriented surgery

Certain ways to prepare for the LASIK procedure can positively influence the results-

  • One should stop wearing contact lenses for a certain period before LASIK. (2-4 weeks before the procedure)
  • Clothes that produce lint should be avoided as it may irritate the eye
  • Makeup and lotions should be avoided. It is advised to keep the face and eyes clean to keep them free from contaminants
  • Arrangements for transportation should be made beforehand because after the surgery one is not allowed to drive immediately

Tests and observances for a precise surgical procedure

LASIK surgery takes under 10 minutes but before that the person will undergo an evaluation of the eyes to make sure that the eyes are healthy and to check for any kind of infection, inflammation, or abnormal eye pressure. A comprehensive measurement of the eye and cornea will be made by the doctor.

  • A detailed history of the patient is taken
  • Power assessment (Refractive Error)
  • Complete eye checkup including the Retina
  • Intra Ocular pressure assessment
  • Corneal Topography
  • Corneal thickness assessment
  • Dry Eye Assessment (Schirmer�s Test)

After going through all the tests, the doctor will provide his advice on all the aspects of LASIK

Advanced techniques for treatment

There are myriad variations of laser refractive surgery

  • LASIK is most commonly performed. It involves creating a partial-thickness corneal flap and then with the help of an excimer laser, the bed of the cornea is removed. After completing the procedure, the flap created using the Femto Method is uniquely able to �lock� back into place and the eye then begins to heal rapidly.
  • With the Femto Method, tiny pulses of laser light, a quadrillionth of a second each, pass harmlessly through the outer portion of the cornea, creating a flap and forming a uniform layer of microscopic bubbles just beneath the surface of the eye. The exact dimensions of this layer of bubbles are determined by the doctor based on what is best for one�s eyes and are computer controlled for maximum precision.

The Femto flap creation process takes about 15 to 20 seconds per eye and a total of 10 minutes for the entire LASIK procedure. When it is time for the LASIK treatment to be performed, the Doctor easily lifts the flap to apply the LASIK treatment.

  • Small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) is a more recent but more accurate type of refractive surgery which reshapes the cornea utilizing a laser to create a lens-shaped bit of tissue called lenticule below the surface of the cornea. After the lenticule has helped to reshape the cornea, it is then detached through a very small incision. SMILE gives the freedom to go back to daily and normal activities like swimming and contact sports within a couple of days after the procedure. As the method does not cause any dry eye or inconvenience and is a pain-free laser method, it is the ideal and most desirable choice for patients.

Here is how the procedure goes

  • The procedure is very simple and takes only 10-15 minutes for both eyes
  • The patient is brought to the table and is comfortably placed in a supine position
  • The eye will be anesthetized with numbing drops to make the procedure painless
  • Over the regular dress, a gown will be given which is to be worn and the head will be covered with a cap and a cover for the feet will also be given
  • The patient will be asked to lie down on a couch and the head will be positioned by the doctor and the patient will be asked to look at a green blinking light
  • A thin plastic drape will cover the eyes. The nose and mouth will be totally free so that one can breathe comfortably
  • A mild pressure might be in the eye and a blurring effect for a couple of minutes
  • A faint whirring sound may be heard
  • There is no specific pain but a mild discomfort may for a couple of minutes
  • The Excimer Laser then polishes the cornea very precisely
  • Visual recovery is rapid and there is little or no Post-operative pain
  • As the patient is escorted out of the laser room the vision may be a little blurred and there might be some amount of watering
  • The individual will be asked to instill drops in the eye post-operatively as per prescription and might be given an analgesic if required
  • It will be advised to go home and rest with the eyes closed for about 4 hours
  • The next day one will be waking up to a new world without glasses

The eye needs care even after the surgery

Soon after the procedure, a person can experience a sensation of itching or burning in the eye or feel as though there is something in it. They may also feel mild pain or discomfort in the eye

  • Rubbing the eye should be absolutely avoided as it may cause damage
  • After the surgery, the person should take rest with eyes closed in a darkened room
  • Protective dark glasses should also be used to safeguard the eyes while asleep and also avoid dry eyes and help the eye to completely heal
  • Antibiotics or inflammatory eye drops should also be taken as prescribed by the ophthalmologist

The ophthalmologist should be immediately consulted if any symptoms get worse even before the scheduled follow-up appointment. One must visit a doctor during the first 2 days of the surgery to check their eyesight and have a healthy recovery.

Give time for complete recovery and healthy healing

Although one will be able to see clearly soon after the surgery, it might take 3 to 6 months for the eyes to heal completely. As it is important to avoid infection, the doctor will advise waiting at least 2 weeks after the surgery before using cosmetic products, especially around the eyes.

The perks of LASIK surgery

If one wants to know why LASIK treatment is ideal for the eye, the next few points are what should be looked at-

  • There is hardly any chance for the refractive error to come back after the surgery. As the healing process takes nearly 6 months, the chances of getting the number back are extremely rare.
  • It gives immediate vision improvement and allows a person to get rid of external aids like glasses or lenses.
  • The patient is released and can go back home immediately after the procedure.
  • Both eyes can get treated together. This saves time and also makes the process of vision recovery much quicker.

Eyes are safe in the hands of LASIK

LASIK is a very safe and effective procedure when it comes to the correction of vision. There is hardly any chance for complications to take place if the patient cooperates. The first approved LASIK surgery was in 1998. According to a study, of over 700 people who had undergone LASIK surgery, more than 95% of the people were pleased with the result. LASIK also does not result in any systemic difficulties. It is restricted to the eye, and there are no documented cases, where any other effects have been shown.
6 million eyes have successfully undergone SMILE. It is an FDA-approved time-tested technology that is practiced worldwide. SMILE is the most advanced treatment which gives the doctor an extremely high degree of surgical control for remarkable outcomes.

Get ready for a life with the clearest vision!

If you�re looking for a blade-free, flapless treatment that virtually eliminates most of the potential risks of LASIK, such as corneal infection, scarring, dry eyes, light sensitivity etc. and retains excellent corneal Integrity and gives swift recovery then SMILE is the perfect option that you should be considering. Higher-order aberrations may contribute to visual disturbances such as glare and halos which are minimized in SMILE.
Get your eyes treated under the most advanced technology, by the best eye specialists and in a very short time you will not even remember that you ever had anything other than flawless vision. It is the best decision you could make.

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