best oculoplastic eye surgery hospital in kolkata

Oculopasty For A Clearer Tomorrow

Oculoplasty is also commonly known as ophthalmic plastic surgery. It is a surgery associated with the eye and its surrounding structures. Oculoplastic surgery is usually performed to improve the functioning and appearance of the eye. It is performed for medical issues related to the eyes as well as the surrounding areas of the eyes, including eye socket, eyelids, tear ducts and other parts of the face.
Oculoplastic management is performed in case of the following conditions:-

  • Problems related to tear drainage
  • Issues related to the orbit
  • Problems associated with the eyebrow
  • Skin cancers around the eyelid
  • Position of the eyelid
  • Eyelid blepharoplasty
  • Eye bag removal

Symptoms for the need for ophthalmic plastic surgery

  • Frequent blinking of eyes more than necessary
  • Tumours in orbit
  • Dysfunction of the eyelid
  • Issues related to tear duct
  • Twitching of the eyes
  • Treatment of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Excessive fat in eyelids
  • Treating tumours inside or surrounding the eye
  • Bulging of the eyes

Oculoplastic surgery

Oculoplastic surgery is a term associated with a variety of procedures that involve the orbit, tear ducts, eyelids etc.
Aesthetic eyelid surgery, facial plastic surgery, ocular reconstructive surgery all fall under this category.

Oculoplastics involve a myriad of techniques depending upon a specific indication. Oculoplastic surgery is considered to be important both medically and cosmetically. It can range from Botox injections, blepharoplasty, liposuction to necessary surgeries like eyeball removal and orbital reconstruction.
The types of oculoplastic surgeries are:

Eyelid surgery
  • Cosmetic surgery- Removing excess upper eyelid fats ( blepharoplasty), reducing eye bags by removing excess skin from the lower eyelid and reshaping or lifting off the eyebrow.
  • Eyelid malposition- repair of ptosis, lower eyelid entropion or ectropion.
  • Surgeries to manage tumours- biopsy of cysts, lesions or moles of the eyelids. It removes eyelid tumours as the eyelids can be affected by skin cancers.
  • Tear duct surgery- it reduces watering and unblocks tear ducts. Remove part of a lacrimal sac and lacrimal gland.
  • Orbital reconstruction- treatment for Graves' disease by orbital decompression.

The other cosmetic procedures are:

  • Lifting of eyebrows
  • Facelifts and forehead lift
  • Botox Injections
  • Facial filler injections to reduce wrinkles
  • Skin and facial rejuvenation

Oculoplastic surgery is an effective procedure to cure several eye-related problems. Get your eyes treated under the best oculoplastic surgeons of Kolkata and fix your eye problems to make your life easier.

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